unto you, Liberators!
Introducing Enhance! Another new feature that should help you boost your stats up where it really counts – PvP matches.
Starting at level 35, you will gain access to the Defense HQ in your base. The Defense HQ allows you to play Skirmish mode, where you can raid the bases of other players and steal a very valuable item – trophies!
With the addition of the Defense HQ, you will find that a new Commander tab has become available to you – the Enhance tab. Using trophies as currency, the Enhance tab will give you the option to increase the stats of your commanders, but only for PvP game modes!
Clicking the “train” option will suggest a series of changes to your attack, defense, troops and speed. If you’re happy with the changes, remember to click “commit” to save them! Sometimes stat changes aren’t what you’d have hoped for, so you’ll need to train again.
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