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In addition to giving the rest of history a swath of acts of heroism and legendary stories, the Second World War produced some of the greatest quotes of recent memory. Moving speeches and addresses were delivered far and wide, and moved an entire generation. Their words impact us to this day. 

“We shall not fail or falter; we shall not weaken or tire. Neither the sudden shock of battle, nor the long-drawn trials of vigilance and exertion will wear us down.” 
-        Winston Churchill

Humility must always be the portion of any man who receives acclaim earned in blood of his followers and sacrifices of his friends.
General Dwight D. Eisenhower

Success is how high you bounce when you hit the bottom.
General George S. Patton, Jr.

We personally are in love with Churchill’s “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.” In life, just like the battlefield, this is all any of us have to offer. And offer it we shall. What are some of your favorite quotes? Any words that inspire you in the battlefield, or give you the courage to face the enemy?

Liberators present you with the best strategy and action. Historically accurate operations, missions and characters, and exciting trilling of the European theater of World War 2, free and directly in your browser.

See you on the battlefield! 
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