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Liberators New decoration building.jpgJoin Liberators in celebrating the Month of Freedom! July is a month with connotations of major social change and restructuring throughout Western Civilization. Even going back as far as Julius Caesar, after whom the month is named, the month of July brings with it notions of wrestling power from oppressive authority and restoring it to the people. Fast forward to the final third of the 18th century, and we witness the British colonies in America as they unite to separate from monarchy rule, and the subsequent turbulent founding of the French Republic. We here on the Liberators Battlefield take freedom very seriously, which is why we're devoting a whole month to venerating its spread and upkeep throughout history!

We're celebrating by bringing you three new monuments you can use to decorate your growing bases! The first of which is the Washington Monument. Standing at 170 meters tall, it's both the tallest stone structure and the tallest obelisk on earth. It honors George Washington, Commander-in-Chief of the continental army and the first president of the newly liberated U. S. A. The second is the Liberty Bell, the iconic symbol of American liberty dating back to before the founding of the Republic. Finally, we have the famous Arc the Triomphe, which honors the fallen soldiers of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars. All of these decorations are available to be built upon your base today! Go and show the world what you're made of!

Too much blood was spilled in the quest to secure a safe future across the borders of Europe and beyond to the rest of the world. Your army will not stand idly by while that freedom is being challenged. As the war wages on, battle by battle your army will reclaim land in the name of freedom and peaceful democracy!

See you on the battlefield!
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