Heads up soldiers! It’s time for a great way to earn some of the best rewards we’ve given out yet!
We’re launching our first ever Wikia Collaboration Rush! Players are invited to come contribute to the COMMANDERS section of our Wikia page to inform other soldiers about what’s going on in the most engaging WWII game of the year!
We are asking players to fill in information pertaining to Commander’s biography and starting stats in the game, such as intelligence Strength, Leadership, and Intelligence. Also, because one of our central interests on the Liberators battlefield is historical accuracy, we want players to give biographical information on Commanders as well as trivia about them both in-game and out! We know that quite a few of our fans are history buffs, and here’s an opportunity for you to put your knowledge to great use!
Click here to check out a sample profile for everybody’s favorite long range Commander, Bernard “Monty” Montgomery. Here, you’ll find the layout that users are to follow when making pages for other Commanders. Users are asked to keep the structure as laid out, filling in the sections of Basic Info, Equipment, Bio, and Trivia. Users who create especially thorough pages can expect to receive extra special rewards!
If all this sounds good to you (and it should!) then just follow these steps!
1) Create an account on Wikia
2) Add information to a page
3) Comment on this facebook post with your Wikia account name and In-game name
4) Receive massive rewards for your hard work
We’ll be rewarding players handsomely! We’ll be giving out war bonds, as well as the standard goodies. Note: If you do not give us your information, we cannot give you rewards. As much as we appreciate your participation in our events, we cannot give you sweet rewards. We’re excited to be embarking on this experiment with you guys. Bear in mind that this is a learning experience for all of us, so there may be some growing pains. We’re confident, however, that we’ll all march to victory in the end!
See you on the battlefield!
Click here to enter the Wikia Edit Rush! http://liberatorsgame.wikia.com/wiki/Monty
Play now! https://goo.gl/pwT5tr